There is something about the winged life that beckons to us all. Man has always yearned for flight. Be it Anne Frank from within her secret annex looking out onto the world wishing she were there or the weary wayfarer yearning to be free of this toilsome place. Something lies within the human soul that sings of freedom. It is this noble anthem that draws us toward God; that calls to us from the life and being of Christ....that lures us to Canaan's shore.
Man has always longed to soar. Yet somewhere deep within us there is the suspicion that such a life is to be known only in the Divine.
Winged Life Offerings
·The Road to Emmaus Bible Study Series III and IV ·Becoming Whole in a Fragmented World Retreat ·Lay Counseling ·Lay Counseling Training ·Cross-Life Workshop
These offerings explore God's Scriptural and Spiritual principles and their application that can free us from dibilitating events and their patterns. "If the Son shall make you free, you will be free indeed" were not the idle words of a court's jester, but the revolutionary words of the Creator Himself.