The Deep is an uncharted realm for every pilgrim… a place we have never been before. As His mercies are new every morning, so, too, are His adventures here in this place as we follow Him. It will keep us on our toes as well as on our knees. It will fling us out into the world as servants and as light.
They labored to clean their nets after a particularly frustrating night on the waters with nothing to show for all their efforts. There He met them and instructed them to do what must have seemed, at best, ignorant: Cast your nets again into the deep. Despite such words, these weary men obeyed... and their souls launched out into a deeper place with Him.
Christ comes to us where we are and speaks to us whether we are cleaning nets or cleaning dishes; whether it is our nets that are empty or our bank accounts; whether we are discouraged or confident. No matter the shores we find ourselves on, His call to us always is to a deeper place.
As you consider the disciples, what do you think He might be saying to you?
What strange instruction may He be giving to you?
Where are the confusing places? What makes no sense in your life?
Where do you see His hand in the circumstances of your life?
Where do you think God is wanting to take you?
What response do you need to give if He should be asking you to go with Him to a deeper place?
"In responding to His voice, Peter left his only reasonable security and with irrational faith, jumped into the waves, pressing toward a compelling vision. Christ comes to us in our storms as a familiar stranger, calling us to a faith that will fling us out into the deep seeking Him. In the boat, Peter saw a misty figure. In the waves, he found the certain grip of the Lord." Brenda Cox
The Deeper Life studies and offerings explore the journey of discipleship and the discoveries that await us in the deeper regions of our life with Him.